Tenant Background Checks And Search In Lexington, KY
We all know
that one of the best ways to earn money is by giving the property out on rent.
But in today’s day and age where crime cases is on an all time high, there have
been instances of landlords spending sleepless nights over unpaid rent, damage
to their properties, etc and also instances of landlords going through a
harrowing experience in evicting tenants. All these can be avoided through
tenant background checks on the part of the landlords. A tenant background
check by a landlord would ensure credit worthiness as well as correct identity
of a prospective tenant with a detailed report on the tenant’s background
including criminal history if any. A tenant background check would give a
landlord a clear picture about the prospective tenant thus enabling a landlord
in taking the correct decision. For conduction of background checks the best
thing to do is to go for services in background investigation in Lexington. You can get in touch with Liar Catchers in
Lexington, KY for background checks as the investigators over here are
experienced and have handled many such cases till date.
Steps Involved In Going For Tenant
Background Check
and foremost, being a landlord, you should take detailed information from your
prospective tenant which you can go about by getting a tenant application form
filled up by the renter including full name, employment record, previous
residential address and social security number. The form should also include
contact details, salary information, bank account details. Acquire
identification proof by asking to submit a driving license, birth certificate
or passport for the tenant as well as his or her family members who would stay.
second option is to hire services of a private investigation agency where
professional private investigators would verify each and every information given
by the tenant. Going for professional services are cost-effective as well.
Authentic Sources Of Tenant Report
The report
on tenant background check is mostly based on data from:
Consumer Credit
Locate Services
Credit Reference Agencies
& Bradstreet
Credit Consumer Scoring Systems
High Risk Tenant Repository.
Apart from
the credit scores, certain other things which appear in a tenant report through
background screening are a prospective tenant’s prior record on eviction,
default on rental payment or any other major delinquencies such as criminal
record and job status.
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